Weekend in Paris -booked

The Other Queen - Rp 40.000

The Game - Rp 40.000

Mamamia (Chicklit) - Rp 35.000
untuk novel lainnya klik www.wiwinaja.multiply.com
ayo di liat2 dlu, jgn ragu2 utk nny, sms aj ke 08787 7070 249. semua koleksi pribadi, masi 98%, ga da yg kuning / lecek. ga bs request novel ya, krn cm jual koleksi pribadi aj ^^
NEW: Chicken soup shopper soul - Rp 40.000 (baru bgt, dijamin mulus kyk beli dr tokbuk, uda di sampul plastik jg)
Novel Impor :
The Best Of Life (Penny Vincenzi) - Rp 30.000
BombProof (Michael Robotham)- Rp 30.000 (masuk dlm nominasi 50buku terbaik 2008)
chicklit: idr 25rb
the nanny diaries
soldme times three
soldP.S I LOVE U
soldJemima Jones
soldAsking for trouble
soldEvery boys got one
soldHow meet cute boys
soldRemember Me
soldMatch Game
soldBabu Beken
the men guide to women bathroom
soldsandra brown: idr 22.500rb
thursday's child (peran ganda)
the husband (dean koontz) idr 35rb
soldcinta terlarang (andre aciman) buku terbaik publisher weekly idr 35rb
Sejarah dunia dalam 10 1/2 Bab (Juan Barnes) idr 35rb
The Day I Die ( Fannie Flag) idr 35rb
soldabout a boy (nick hornby) idr 25rb
soldpeony (pearl s buck) idr 25rb
travelers tale, belok kanan barcelona (4 pengarang indonesia) idr 25rb
soldthe lord of the rings, fellowship of the ring, buku 1st idr 35rb
SOLDIPDN undercover idr 15rb
the virgin blue (tracy chevalier) idr 25rb
eragon (chris paolini) buku 1st idr 30rb
soldbeckham biography idr 20rb
life of pi ( yann martel) menang penghargaan apa gt.. idr 25rb
SOLDcaroline ( neil gaiman) idr 20rb
soldthe alchemist (paulo coelho) idr 30rb
soldthe lovely bones (alice sebold) idr 30rb
soldprincess (jean P sasson) ttg khidupan putri arab idr 25rb
soldnot just a witch ( eva ibbotson) idr 20rb
ghost haunting (hans holser) idr 20rb
the thief of baghdad (alexander romanhoff) idr 22rb
kok putusin gw?? (ninit yunita) idr 20rb
the client (john grisham) idr 30rb
soldmomoye mereka memanggil ku idr 20rb
enid blyton : lima sekwn kereta api hantu idr 12rb
lima skwn menyelamatkan teman idr 12rb